Health & Safety

Risk Management Company

Compilation of Safety Statements

Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, all Employers have a specific duty to prepare a Safety Statement for their business. This safety statement should be specific to the needs of the company, and detail the structures in place in order to manage and control Health and Safety within the business.

At Lansdowne Risk Solutions Ltd. we can offer a Health and Safety Statement that is tailored to your needs. Following a site visit and discussion, a comprehensive Policy and Statement will be prepared, along with detailed Risk Assessments specific to the activities being undertaken, and relevant to the exposures identified.

The Safety Statement must be brought to the attention of the employees and to any other persons at the place of work who might be exposed to the specific risks outlined in the document. When bringing the Safety Statement to the attention of employees, it must be in a form, manner, and if necessary, a language that can be understood by employees.

Any Safety Statement will reflect the state of a company at the time it was written. It is therefore essential that this is reviewed and updated on an annual basis in order to ensure ongoing compliance. We can review and update your existing statement to ensure changes are included whilst also ensuring that the company is compliant with legislation in relation to this.

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